Erasmus+ (CBHE)
Competence centres for the development of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to increase the positive impact of local tourism in Thailand and Vietnam
Project duration: 10/2017 – 10/2020
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Newer News
Opening ceremony Competence center for development of sustainable tourism at Hue University
(30-10-2019 10:27)
1st TOURIST Training at Hue University, Vietnam
(28-09-2018 07:42)
Hue University attends the Kick –off Meeting of TOURIST in Graz, Austria
(08-03-2018 04:05)
President of Hue University welcomed Sir Vincent Floreani, Consul General of France in Ho Chi Minh City
(04-12-2018 15:21)
Hue University and AUF tightening partnership
(04-12-2018 11:02)
Hue University and US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City promised to promote educational cooperation
(14-11-2018 15:43)
Hue University and Gifu University, Japan signed cooperation in human resources training and research
(13-11-2018 15:57)
Conference on strong research groups and international publication
(26-09-2018 09:54)
Last News
CCP-Law Final conference
(09-01-2025 08:48)
The President of Hue University visits Helsinki University, Finland
(05-09-2024 11:10)
Strengthening climate change education for sustainable development in Vietnam (CLIDEV)
(24-07-2024 14:58)