Honorary Professor Conferment on National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin, Thailand by Hue University
(29-03-2013 08:00)
On 28/3/2013, an esteemed ceremony organized by Hue University to confer the Honorary Professor title on National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin, former Dean of Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Art, Silpakorn University, former Dean of Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Mahasarakham University that is main international partner of Hue University College of Arts. The decision and Certificate was conferred by Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Toan, Hue University President on National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin. National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin is the one who has made great contribution on cooperative relationship between Hue University College of Arts and universities in Thailand in terms of cultural exchange, exhibitions, workshops, joint researches, student and faculty exchange. Upon the consideration and support of National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin, three Master cohorts in Visual Arts have been conducted and granted by Mahasarakham for Hue university students. Many lecturers and students of both sides have opportunities to join in exchange programs between Hue University and Chiang Mai University, Silpakorn University and Mahasarakham University. Many joint projects with the participation of National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin have brought fruitful results. National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin offers one of his works to Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Toan At the ceremony, National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin got moved to say that “This honor is not for I myself only but also for my colleagues, those who play important roles in successfully promoting cooperative relationship between Hue University College of Arts with Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Mahasarakham University”. National Artist Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin with leaders of Hue University, College of Arts, colleagues, friends and students
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