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Prof. Hung Nguyen and smart wheelchair (18-12-2012 11:00)

On December 17, 2012, at the meeting with Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Toan,Hue University President,Prof. Hung Nguyen, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney (Australia) introduced some of his innovations relating biomedical devices, system for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Smart wheelchair technology, an innovation of Prof. Hung Nguyen, has been ranked third in a top 100 of Australian innovations. The system directs and controls the chairs' navigation by reading users' head movements and brainwaves. And Prof. Hung Nguyen, a Vietnamese Australian, was a finalist for NSW Australian of the Year 2012.

In the hope that more Vietnamese students will have chances to access advanced technology, Prof. Hung Nguyen is willing to be a bridge connecting joint activities between the two universities.

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