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The Honorary Professor title was conferred on Assoc.Prof. Vo Van Thang, Dean of Public Health Faculty, College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University by Queensland University of Technology (18-04-2014 08:00)

On the morning of April 12, 2014, Hue University College of Medicine and Pharmacy cooperated with Queensland University of Technology, Australia to organize the honorary professor conferment on Assoc. Prof. Vo Van Thang, Dean of Public Health Faculty.

Honorary Professor Title is conferred on individuals and those who are making contributions or have the potentical to make significant contributions to academic and professional fields as well as cooperative development of the University. The honorary professor conferment on Assoc.Prof. Vo Van Thang indicated that Queensland University of Technology appreciated the valuable contribution of Assoc.Prof. Vo Van Thang to the academic development and sustainable cooperative relationship between the two universities. 

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