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Hue University keeps the 401 - 450 group of Asia in the QS Asia rankings 2022 (03-11-2021 16:42)

On the afternoon of November 2, 2021 (Vietnam time), QS Quacquarelli Symonds announced the QS Asia University Rankings 2022. Hue University keeps its position 401 – 450 of Asia and holds the 6th position among 11 Vietnamese higher education institutions.


Although Hue University's ranking remains in the 401-450 groups, the data shows that Hue University has gradually increased.


  QS Asia 2019 QS Asia 2020 QS Asia 2021 QS Asia 2022
Hue University ranking 451-500 451-500 401-450 401-450
The relative position of Hue University (in the top group) 90% 81% 60% 59%
Hue University ranking score compared to the average score in Asia  -67.3% -63.3% -51.8% -40.7%
Hue University ranking score compared to the average score in Vietnam -53.50% -49.20% -28.0% -21.5%


Compared to 2021, the criteria of Hue University increased are as follows: Employer reputation, Academic reputation, International Research Network), and Citations per paper. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the criteria related to the exchange of international students and lecturers have barely changed or slightly decreased.


In the rankings 2022, Vietnam has 11 higher education institutions. The top three positions are Ton Duc Thang University (142nd), Hanoi National University (147th), and Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (179th).


Source: https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/asian-university-rankings/2022

Reported: Pham Khac Lieu / Translated: Department of Sciences, Technology and International Relations, Hue University

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