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European Commission Ambassadors visit and talk with students of Hue University College of Foreign Languages (29-05-2009 11:01)
On May 14, 2009, Mr. Sean Doyle, Ambassador and Head of the European Commission Delegation to Vietnam, and Mr. Dekka Hyvonen, Finnish Ambassador to Vietnam had a talk with the students of Hue University College of Foreign Languages.

The talk centered on the issues of European Union history, regulations, commercial development matter and EU's prospect. From its first days of creation with only six members (namely Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, France, and the Netherlands), EU now has 27 members consisting of the founder members and following nations: Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Malta, Cyprus, Romania, and Bulgaria.

The European Union assembles many developed economies and EU territory stretches more than 4 million square kilometers with the population of approximately 500 million. This community has a non-stop unanimity and development based on the respect for diverse cultures and languages, and a common vision for a peaceful and prosperous Europe.

EU is regarded as an important partner in development aid on the global scale. Those development cooperation objectives proposed by EU aim towards poverty eradication, gender equality stimulation, education development, health and other basic services improvement, sustainable development and global partnership establishment.

In Vietnam, 19 EU countries' Embassies to Vietnam have carried out many cooperative programs between EU and Vietnam for the sake of solidarity fostering and commercial development. Mr. Sean Doyle highly valued Vietnam a reliable partner and affirmed EU's commitment to keep supporting Vietnam's efforts in achieving its development goals.

Mr. Sean Doyle, the Ambassador and Head of the EC Delegation, and Mr. Pekka Hyvonen, Finnish Ambassador to Vietnam also spent most of their time answering students' questions relating to EU investment into Vietnam in general and Thua Thien Hue province in particular, and study chances in EU countries.

Reported by Hong Sam/ Translated by Lam Vu

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