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Hue University signs the cooperation agreement with Nice Sophia Antipolos University in French (15-07-2009 10:08)

On June 26th 2009, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University of the French Republic leading by Professor Albert Marouani and Associate Professor Eliane Kotler visited and worked at Hue University. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Toan, President of Hue University, received the delegation. The two universities signed the Memorandum to boost the academic exchange and cooperation between Hue University and Nice University.

The two universities will closely incorporate in developing exchange activities and pledge to support the cooperation between individuals, research and training institutes in accordance with the current regulations. The two sides also discussed the priority cooperation in the near future including
1. exchanging staffs and lecturers so that the scientific activities such as scientific conferences, seminars, workshops can be attended,
2. exchanging documents related to curriculum, syllabus, scientific researches,
3. applying the technology in the fields which are interested by two universities,
4. exchanging experiences through visiting delegation of both administration staffs, researchers and lecturers,
5. carrying out the joint activities in scientific researches between the two universities,
6. exchanging students through the equivalent training programs between the two universities or the internship program,
Nice University is a university with multi-training fields founded in 1965. However, its history is counted from the seventeenth century. It has approximately 25,000 students in which around 17,1 % is foreign students, 14,000 is lecturers and researchers. The University has signed 26 cooperation agreement with Asian universities, in which there are 7 Vietnamese universities.

Reported by Hong Sam/ Translated by Loan Anh

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