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Credit transfer possibilities within the Asian context in undergraduate training in foreign languages, linguistics and cultures (23-02-2011 15:16)

As part of Hue University's Higher Education Project 2, an international workshop on "Credit transfer possibilities within the Asian context in undergraduate training in foreign languages, linguistics and cultures" was successfully held by Hue University College of Foreign Languages on November 11, 2010.

The workshop received the directorial representatives from universities of Vietnam and other countries in the region such as China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand. Especially, the representatives of the Asean University Network (AUN) also attended the workshop. At the workshop, the universities' representatives reported and shared experience in credit-based training as well as standards and criteria for credit transfer. Many discussed ideas supported building up a credit transfer system because it opens up academic exchange opportunities for students from different universities. The workshop successfully concluded with the MOU signing between Hue University College of Foreign Languages and nine universities of Vietnam and in the region. This important signing ceremony marked the first step in joint training activities between universities of Vietnam and in the region in the next years. 

Reported by Hucfl

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