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Regional Conference for Rectors of AUF university members opens at Hue University (27-01-2011 15:14)

On December 3, 2010, the 9th COFRASIE was held at Hue University. The CONFRASIE received nearly 100 rectors and presidents of university members in Asia Pacific.

The CONFRASIE focused on such problems as the role of French in Asia Pacific universities, the connections between the universities using French in region and in the world. The new Executive Board for the term 2010-2014 was appointed at the CONFRASIE.

The CONFRASIE was also an occasion for AUF to inform about the last 2 years results as well as the AUF's next 2 years working plan in Asia Pacific. Besides, CONFRASIE is a chance for new university members to meet and exchange information with other university members in the region.

The CONFRASIE was the first activity of those to celebrate the 50th anniversary of AUF (1961-2011).

Hue University is one of the first, active and official members of AUF. Founded 50 years ago, AUF took the duty of promoting universities' collaboration in undergraduate teaching and research activities to create factors for future development. Currently, there are 759 universities and institution of 90 countries in the world joining in AUF.

Reported by HS/ Translated by OFIC

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