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30 years of Establishment and Development - College of Sciences - Hue University (19-12-2006 10:27)
On the morning of October 27, College of Sciences - Hue University celebrated its "30 years of establishment and development" Ceremony, a revision of a glorious period for the training of human resources with high quality to serve the construction and development mission of our nation.

On 27 October 1976, former College of Sciences (Đại học Tổng hợp Huế) was founded by being merged from College of Literature and College of Sciences which belong to Hue Tertiary Education Institute. On 4 April 1994, former College of Sciences was renamed into College of Sciences - Hue University. During the past 30 years, College of Sciences has expanded its scope in both quantity and quality. On the foundation dates, there were only 3 joint departments with a total staff of more than 100. At present, there are 43 fields of training for BA, 29 fields of training for MA and 8 for PhD. To meet the practical needs, the College has opened more new training courses like Chinese-Vietnamese, Journalism, Literature, Laws, Architecture, Bio-Technology, Electronics-Telecommunication, Environment, Sociology, Social work... particularly the Information technology is prioritized and invested to follow the national program. The number of graduates increases 5-7%yearly. The enrollment areas have been expanded to provinces in the Highland and the Southern Delta. For the past 30 years, 20.323 students have graduated with BA degrees; 273 specialized high school pupils, 523 Masters and 6 PhD holders have also been trained in here. The International Relations have been focused and expanded for the purposes of training and research collaboration with many tertiary institutions and research institutes within the country and abroad; promoting faculty and student exchange. Besides, the College has paid much attention to the upgrading and building up new comfortable modern facilities to serve the study and research work of lecturers and students.

At the ceremony, College of Sciences- Hue University has the honor to receive the certificate of merit awarded by the Prime Minister for its contributions to the development and defense of the nation. Many other certificates of merit and prizes awarded by the Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Training and People Committee of Thua Thien Hue Province have been given to units and individuals who have had much devotions to the development of the college.

The reception of distinguished guests and alumni at the lobby of The Central Theatre

Happiness for the reunion between former students and senior teachers. Many alumni have passed a long journey to gather here for the event

Music Performance at the event

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Manh Thanh, Rector, delivers his speech at the Ceremony

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ly, Chairman to the People's Committee of TTH Province with his congratulating speech

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Toan, President of Hue University delivers his speech at the ceremony

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Manh Thanh, Rector, receives the certificate of merit awarded by the Prime Minister to the College of Sciences

In the honor of the fine traditions of the College, the young generation of College of Sciences has committed to greater efforts, challenges overcoming, contributions to the construction of Hue University into one of the centres for culture and sciences in the Central part and through out the nation


Reported by Hong Sam - Translated by Xuan Dung

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