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The University of Science, Hue University: Graduation ceremony (28-06-2022 14:31)

On the morning of June 24, 2022, the University of Science, Hue University solemnly held the graduation ceremony and awarded the bachelor’s degree to full-time students in the 4-year Course 42 (2018 – 2022) and 5-year Course 39 (2017 – 2022). 




Among 406 graduates, there were 40 students (accounting for 9.8%) with outstanding grades, 150 students (accounting for 37%) with excellent grades, and 216 students (accounting 53.2%) with good and average grades. On this occasion, Hue University rewarded the excellent graduates. In addition, the University of Science, Hue University awarded certificates to the valedictorians as well as the outstanding and excellent students.


Translated: Department of Science, Technology and International Relations, Hue University

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