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Traffic Culture Festival of Hue University students in 2021 (16-04-2021 08:31)

Implementing Youth Union Work and Student movement in the academic year 2020-2021, on April 12, 2021, Hue University Student Association cooperated with Traffic Police Division and Traffic Safety Department of Thua Thien Hue province organized the Traffic Culture Day for Students in 2021. Dr. Do Thi Xuan Dung, Hue University Vice President; representatives of Traffic Police Division, Traffic Safety Department and Thua Thien Hue Youth Union; Mr. Le Chi Hung Cuong, Chairman of Hue University Student Association and Hue University students attended the event.


Skit contest of Hue University students


The program aimed to raise awareness and responsibility of members and students of Hue University to obey the law and traffic order and safety, and disseminate the Law on Road Traffic, Ordinance on Traffic Safety to members and students of Hue University.


The Organizing Committee presented awards to the winners


At the end of the program, the Organizing Committee presented the following prizes:

- 01 first prize: the team of Student Association of University of Law, Hue University;

- 01 second prize: the team of Student Association of University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University;

- 02 third prizes: the team of Student Association of University of Science, Hue University and the team of the Student Association of University of Education, Hue University;

- 05 Consolation prizes: teams of University of Economics, University of Agriculture and Forestry, School of Hospitality and Tourism, International School, School of Physical Education - Hue University.


Reported: Tran Duc / Translated: Department of Science, Technology and International Relations, Hue Universityty

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