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Trade Union Conference of National Universities, Regional Universities and Departments of Ministry of Education and Training (28-04-2021 17:11)

On the morning of April 23, 2021, the Trade Union Conference of the National University, Regional University, and Department of Ministry of Education and Training was organized at the National University of Ho Chi Minh City. Dr. Vu Minh Duc, President of Vietnam Education Union; Dr. Do Thi Xuan Dung, Vice President of Hue University; and Dr. Nguyen Cong Hao, Vice Chairman of Hue University Trade Union attended the Conference.




Speaking at the conference, Dr. Vu Minh Duc, President of Vietnam Education Union acknowledged the success of the trade union in the new situation, especially the digital transformation of universities, national universities, and regional universities in the context of COVID- 19.


Participants discussed the orientation activities of the Trade Union in 2021 and the topic of Trade Union activities in universities due to the impact of COVID- 19 and the Amendments to the Law on Higher Education.


Reported: VP CĐ / Translated: Department of Science, Technology and International Relations, Hue University

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