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Agreenet Group of Hue University College of Sciences presents itself and introduces an online map-based information search engine for the 2010 Hue Festival (13-07-2010 07:42)

In the morning of the 7th of May, 2010, Agreenet Group of Hue University College of Science presented itself and introduced online map-based information search engine for the 2010 Hue Festival

On behalf of Agreenet Group, Mr. Truong Van Quoc Nhat, M.Sc, a lecture of Information Technology Department, Hue University College of Sciences, introduced the website http://agreenet.vn. with various search options linked to Hue Festival 2010 festivities, users can navigate locations, ticket prices and offices, show time, photo and clip galleries, and all public sites such as royal tombs, bookstores, schools, markets, and supermarkets. Users can also find the shortest routes between places using this website.

The Agreenet is expected to bring benefits to domestic and foreign tourists to Hue in general and to the 2010 Hue Festival in particular.

Reported by HUSC/ Translated by Minh Thu


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