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Hue Science Festival 2010 (13-07-2010 07:53)

In the morning of the 8th of June, 2010, Science Festival themed "Medicine and Public Health" held by the College of Medicine and Pharmacy in cooperation with the University of Sassari, Italy, opened at Hue University Headquarters. The festival also saw the presence of lecturers and scientists from universities of medicine and pharmacy in Australia and Luxembourg.

Science Festival, from June 8 to June 12, included different scientific activities such as scientific reports, round table conferences, exhibitions, scientific films, satellite workshops and supportive activities from the College of Medicine and Pharmacy students. Those reports and scientific activities were very close to and significant for public health such as cancer prevention vaccine, arising infectious diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes. Another issue receiving attention was juvenile mental health and high risk behavior. Music show and English contest also helped enrich the festival. In addition, attendants had chance to take health examination and consultancy on disease prevention.

The Hue Science Festival did not only contribute to the success of the 2010 Hue Festival, but was also an opportunity for Hue University in general and College of Medicine and Pharmacy in particular to build good relationships in training, scientific research and medical examination and treatment with international universities and organizations.

Reported by Hong Sam/ Translated by Minh Thu

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