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College of Economics - HU cooperates with the University of Sydney, Australia to implement an Advanced Program on Agricultural Economics and Financial (19-04-2010 06:43)

From 16th to 21st February, 2010, the delegation of Hue University heading by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Toan, President, together with Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mai Van Xuan, Head of Economics and Development Department, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Dung The, Head of Science and Technology - International Cooperation - Postgraduate training, and Dr. Bui Duc Tinh, College of Economics, Hue University paid a visit to the University of Sydney, Australia for discussions about training cooperation on Advanced Programs (AP).

Founded in 1850, the University of Sydney is the first university in Australia and one of the most famous universities in the world. The university was ranked number 37 in 2008 number 36 in 2009 in the world by the US's News. Before coming to the University of Sydney, the delegation met with the Australian ambassador in Hanoi, Mr. Allaster Cox. The ambassador expressed his interest in AP and strongly encouraged Hue University and the University of Sydney to jointly carry out this program.

During the visit, the delegation met and worked with leaders of the University of Sydney, including Prof. Micheal Spence, President of the University of Sydney; the Directorial Board; Prof. Mark Adams - Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources together with staff of the Faculty. The University of Sydney showed their special interest in the program and committed themselves to cooperating with Hue University to realize it.

The Ministry of Education and Training assigned College of Economics - Hue University to implement the Advanced Program. This training program is developed based on the program of the University of Sydney, including Agricultural Economics and Financial and is taught in English by professors of the University of Sydney. The study term is 5 years. In the first academic year, students will learn English and some subjects according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. From the second academic year to fifth academic year, students will be trained based on the original program of the University of Sydney. Students who enroll in AP will be granted degrees in Agricultural and Financial Economics. Last - year students will be able to go to the University of Sydney for studying and their graduation degrees will be granted by the University of Sydney.

It can be said that the visit of the delegation of Hue University at the beginning of the Tiger year has achieved fruitful results, opening a great opportunity to strengthen international cooperation and improve the quality of human resources training at Hue University

Reported by Mai Van Xuan/ Translated by Cam Tu

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