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Online map-based information search engine for the 2010 Hue University and College Entrance Examination (22-07-2010 06:56)

The Agreenet group formed by lecturers and students of Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Hue University College of Sciences has introduced the website tiepsucmuathi.agreenet.vn to help the candidates of the 2010 Hue University and College Entrance examination easily find the exam sites, accommodations, all public sites such as ATM, internet shops, markets, supermarkets, bookstore, etc. Using this website, users can also find the shortest routes between places as well as quickly search for exam result which is uploaded by the Office for Graduate Training. Search results except for the exam result are displayed visually on the online map.

The website tiepsucmuathi.agreenet.vn with friendly and visual user interface and adequate, accurate data provided by Hue University may help the candidates, especially those from out of the province or from remote districts of ThuaThien Hue province a lot in searching needed information.

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