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DFG – an opportunity for the excellent scientists and researchers at Hue University (13-05-2010 07:29)

The delegation of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) - German Research Foundation headed by Ms. Dorothee Dzwonnek, the General Secretary paid a visit to Hue University on May 5, 2010.  The delegation was received by Hue University Vice-President Assoc. Prof. Le Manh Thanh.

The visit's purpose is to introduce the staff and faculties of Hue University the DFG - a self-governed organisation for science and research in Germany and in Europe, serving all branches of science and the humanities.

At the meeting with the Vice-President of Hue University, Ms. Dorothee Dzwonnek said that Vietnam was the focus of cooperation of DFG. DFG wished to facilitate the collaboration between scientists of the two countries, she also stated.  Since 2008, DFG has had its representative in Ha Noi. This visit marked its first arrival to Hue City just after the preliminary visit of Dr. Harald Leisch - The Counselor of Science and Cooperation of German Embassy in Ha Noi last March. Dr. Harald Leisch is also the Director of DFG in the Southeast Asia.

Assoc. Prof, Le Manh Thanh introduced the potentiality and strength of research areas at Hue University to the delegate of DFG.  He also expressed his desire that many scientists and researchers of Hue University could meet the selection criteria of DFG and can be supported by DFG.  After the meeting, the DFG experts including Dr. Klaus Wehrberger (Head of Division for Research Centers) and Dr. Annette Schmidtmann (Head of Division for Research Careers) gave their presentations about various supporting forms of DFG such as the Clusters of Excellence, or through its graduate schools.

Reported by HS/ Translated by Loan Anh

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