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Opening the door to International cooperation and training (12-05-2010 09:48)

Receiving the invitation of British Council, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Toan - President of Hue University attended Going Global Conference in London, United Kingdom (UK) from 22nd  to 26th  March, 2010. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cao Ngoc Thanh - Rector of College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Anh - Rector of College of Education, Dr. Tran Vui, Head of Research and International Cooperation - College of Education, and Prof. Dr. Huynh Dinh Chien - Director of Learning Resource Center accompanied the President.

In the meeting with UK partners on 24 March, 2010, the delegation of the Ministry of Education and Training, headed by the Deputy Minister Pham Vu Luan; the delegation of Da Nang University, headed by Prof. Bui Van Ga and the delegation of Hue University represented reports on cooperative strategies with the UK universities. The report of Hue University was highly appreciated by the Deputy Minister Pham Vu Luan and the UK partners. The Deputy Minister concluded with intending to provide Hue University some British - Vietnamese cooperative programs on education and training in order to establish a Faculty of International Training which is the basis for setting up a College of International Training at Hue University.

Besides official meetings, the meeting between the President of Hue University and Prof. Nguyen Huu Duc, Vice - President of Vietnam National University of Ha Noi created a new landmark in cooperation between the two universities in international programs of training and research. Prof. Nguyen Huu Duc, as a member of Executive Committee of ASEAN University Network (AUN), promised to introduce Hue University to become the third member of Vietnam in this network together with the two national universities. Simultaneously, the two universities will sign a comprehensive agreement in order to help Hue University improve its position in the world university ranking.

In additions, the delegation of Hue University participated in some meetings for discussion about cooperation between the universities in UK and the universities in Vietnam, and visited some universities such as University of Westminster, Oxford Brooks University, and Oxford University.

From 15th to 17th April, 2010, the President of Hue University, together with  Dr. Huynh Dinh Chien - Director of Learning Resource Center, paid an official visit to Chungwoon University, Korea.

Many cooperative programs were discussed and reached an agreement, including three undergraduate training programs on Multimedia, Architecture, and Korean studies. In these undergraduate programs, students will study 3 terms at Hue University and 6 terms at Chungwoon University with reasonable school fee for students in the central of Vietnam. If students want to go to study at Chungwoon University in the first year, it is also accepted by Chungwoon University. In additions, Chungwoon University will offer 20 scholarships (free tuition fee and dormitory) for graduate students in Multimedia and Architecture. These are two key fields of Chungwoon University.

At the meeting, Dean of Faculty of Information Technology introduced Mobile learning which is being tested for implementing in the near future.

After the meetings, the delegation of Hue University visited campuses and facilities of Chungwoon University such as Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Multimedia, Faculty of Film-making, and dormitories for female/male students and international students. Especially, the international guesthouse is well-equipped as a three-star-hotel, showing the interest in international cooperation activities of Chungwoon University.

These are progresses in international training activities of Hue University.

Reported by Prof.Huynh Dinh Chien/ Translated by HS

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