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Seminar on commercialization of intellectual property rights (29-04-2008 09:13)
Within the framework of Viet Nam – Switzerland Project on Intellectual Property, Switzerland Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Department, Thua Thien Hue’s Science and Technology Department and Hue University jointly held the seminar on Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights at the main hall of Hue University. The senior Lecturer Silvio Bonaccio - Head of Technology transfer Office of Zurich Technology University in Switzerland and an expert in the field of technology transfer and intellectual property commercialization, gave presentation and exchanged experience at seminar. Many students, teaching staffs and researchers of Hue University attended the seminar.

At present, the intellectual property plays a more and more important role for the development of sciences and socio-economics in the process of integrating into the global economy of Viet Nam. Being aware of this vital role, the State of Viet Nam has made great efforts to strengthen the legal framework of intellectual property as well as to enhance the ability and power of intellectual property systems. Activities of managing and applying intellectual property rights have displayed their efficiencies, ensuring a firm foundation for the fast and stable development of Viet Nam’s economy. 

The seminar is the first nice step and premise for the solutions on intellectual property commercialization in Viet Nam, especially, on advancing researching and creation activities at universities as well as encouraging business ideas of students. The seminar is also a forum for all participants, especially students and lecturers at universities to exchange experience and information. The last but not least, it helps to learn new experiences of intellectual property transfer and commercialization from foreign experts and to be aware of the vital role of intellectual property rights, of protecting copyright, trademark, label design, product design and so on.  As a result, it helps intellectual property to be respected and protected.

Reported by Hong Sam/ Translated by Loan Anh

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