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Biotechnology conference for the Central and Western Highlands of Vietnam (02-11-2010 07:42)

In the morning of October 28, 2010, the 2nd Conference on Biotechnology for Central and Western Highlands was held by Higher Education Project at the Institute of Resources, Environment and Biotechnology. The conference received 170 representatives, of which 15 from Northern Central, 28 from Southern Central, 20 from Ho Chi Minh City, 25 from Central Highlands and 80 from Thua Thien Hue province. This was an occasion for scientists to exchange experience and present Biotechnological research results in recent years.

On behalf of Hue University, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Duc Hung made an opening speech. In the morning, 4 plenary lectures were presented at the main hall. In the afternoon, 34 reports focusing on biotechnology for agriculture, environmental biotechnology and biodiversity, medical biotechnology were presented at 3 subcommittees.

In general, the reports presented at the conference had high scientific content, and were well prepared by young scientists. Besides, 19 poster reports were displayed outside the hall.

At the end of the working day, the organization committee concluded the conference and awarded the title "best lecturer" to Pham Van Phuc, University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh city for the report "In Vitro differentiation of dendritic cells from blood monocular cells of human umbilical cord", and to Nguyen Tai Toan, Vinh University for "The relationship of Hyprocrella insect fungi and its agamont". The report "Culture of Ngoc Linh ginseng secondary roots in bioreactor system" by Duong Tan Nhut and his fellow workers at Western Highlands Biological Institute was awarded the title "best poster report".

The participating scientists appreciated the organization and quality of the conference, and hoped to join next conferences.

Reported by Minh Trang/ Translated by OFIC

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