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MOU signing between Hue University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (07-11-2007 15:19)
On October 29th 2007, the delegation of Hue University led by Dr. Le Thanh Son, Vice-President of Hue University, paid an official visit to Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. On this occasion, the two universities signed a MOU for the next five years cooperation activities on research and development, faculty and students exchange between two universities.

On this occasion, on the behalf of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mr. Trinh Quang Thanh - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Viet Nam to Sweden handed over the Friendship Medal of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam awarded Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences for their merit in developing the resource of Viet Nam and tightening the cooperative relationship between the two countries. The Ambassador appreciated the contribution of the government and the people of Sweden to Viet Nam and trusted in a good relationship in the future.

The delegation of Hue University and Vietnamese researchers at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Reported by Le Van An/ Translated by Hong Sam

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