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Declaration for the foundation of Institute of Environmental Resources and Biology Technology of Hue University (04-01-2008 14:09)

On December 12th, 2007, a declaration ceremony was formally organized by Hue University to announce the foundation decision and the inauguration of the working building for Institute of Environmental Resources and Bio-technology (IREB) of Hue University (HU). This institute was founded on the basis of re-organizing Center for Environmental Resources and Bio-technology of Hue University.

Together with the development of Hue University, Center for Environmental Resources and Bio-technology has also grown up during the past 12 years of construction and progress. Recently, there are 14 employees specialized in environmental resources, 8 in biology technology and 8 working at the experimental workplaces. Besides this fixed staff, many other collaborators from other national and international institutes, colleges and research center are also invited to work for the center.

Although the center is a unit which has the right to self-manage its expenses, its research activities of science and technology are put into serious consideration. There have been 31 subjects and projects on environmental resources and 7 ones on biology technology carried out by the center. Many researches of experimenting manufacture were successfully conducted such as the manufacture of fresh vegetable and crossbred hogs supported by Hopeland organization, Hokkaido, Japan. In addition, the center has also taken part in consulting about science and technology service; training for undergraduate and postgraduate students at Hue University and other universities in Vietnam. Many cooperation relationships were founded between the center and other national universities and research institutes. It was also able to cooperate with some foreign organizations and the center is now a member of the collaboration program between the Vietnamese premier universities and Japan, which lasts from 1999 to 2008. The center has recently been the official member of “Make-the-World-Cleaner” organization since 2005. Moreover, it has been in charge of many other important projects such as “Project on enhancing the effectiveness of water environment improvement via properly processing hospital sewage and bettering the sanitation system of Hue city”, a project in collaboration with JBIC.

With those achievements, the introduction of IREB, HU is appropriate with the international, national and regional circumstances in Central and Highlands areas in Vietnam. It is also suitable with the development strategies of Hue University until 2015, which were approved by Ministry of Education and Training. As a unit which has its own income, the institute is operated to carry out its three main functions: science research and international cooperation; technology transformation for the sake of the society and community; and postgraduate training associating with short-term training programs. IREB, HU will be the clue for forming cooperation networks with other units and scientists either working for HU or not. The institute will also build up interdisciplinary subjects, projects, and research programs in order to assemble and exploit the HU interdisciplinary staff and modern facilities, create some key research directions appropriate with particular characteristics of the area to help support the area’s socioeconomic development, especially that of Thua Thien Hue province and its surroundings.

Representatives of Ministry of Education and Training leadership and representatives of Hue University cutting the inauguration band for the working building of IREB, HU

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Manh Thanh, Vice-President of HU granting the inauguration decision of IREB to Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Van Thang, Director of the Institute.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Manh Thanh, Vice-President of HU handing designation decisions over to Assoc.Prof.Dr. Lê Van Thang, Dr. Dinh Thi Bich Lan, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hoang Loc, who are appointed to be Director and Deputy Directors of IREB, HU.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Van Thang, Director of IREB expressed his thought of being inaugurated.

Reported by Hong Sam/Translated by Diem Thi


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