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A Study on EFL University Teachers’ Emotion Regulation Strategies in the classrooms in Vietnam
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A Study adapted the process model of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998, 2015) and made it applicable to studies in English language teaching. The study highlights the reality that while teaching English, EFL teachers faced emotional situations in which they had to adjust their cognitive process first and then make changes to their teaching. The study results show that the process model of emotion regulation should not be understood as being stimulus-response processes or teachers being affected by external factors leading to their emotional responses. It is a looping process in which their emotions come and go and may be repeated. Therefore, the subject matter, and the teaching and learning contexts both are specific matters leading to certain kinds of emotions of the EFL teachers in the current study Ph.D. Candidate: Ngo Thi Cam Thuy ---------------------------------------------------------- Tác giả: Ngô Thị Cẩm Thuỳ
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